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King County dentist suspended on charges of unsafe practices and disregard for patient safety while using general anesthesia

Jul 04, 2023

For immediate release: May 11, 2023 (23-063)

Contact: DOH Communications

OLYMPIA – The Dental Quality Assurance Commission suspended the dentist license (DE60470632) and the general anesthesia permit (GA60614575) of King County oral surgeon Calley J. Christie pending further legal action.

Charges state that Christie did not consult with a patient's medical provider before treating a patient with Down syndrome and a tracheostomy with general anesthesia. Christie allegedly over medicated the patient, and when the patient's breathing became labored, Christie unsuccessfully performed airway maneuvers and bag valve mask ventilation over the patient's nose and mouth, failing to consider the patient's tracheostomy. Emergency medications were given along with an attempt to intubate through the mouth but the patient's condition did not improve and the patient died. Christie's documentation of the patient allegedly did not include medical history and the patient's vital signs during surgery were not recorded. Charges further recite several instances of significant unsafe practices involving patients under general anesthesia.

Christie cannot practice in Washington until the charges are resolved. He has 20 days to respond to the charges and ask for a hearing.

The legal documents on this case can be seen online by clicking the link on "Health Care Provider Lookup" under the "Find it Fast" section of the Department of Health website (; copies can also be requested by calling 360-236-4700. Anyone who believes a health care provider acted unprofessionally is encouraged to call this number and report their complaint.

The Dental Quality Assurance Commission protects public health and safety and promotes the welfare of the state by regulating the competency and quality of professional health care providers under its authority.

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For immediate release: Contact: OLYMPIA